I’m really not sure what Kelly Brook is. Or more accurately, why she’s famous. Though she did date Jason Statham. That’s hot. Still… the woman’s career is a mystery wrapped inside an enigma augmented with a riddle. But I do “get it” about Kelly Brook when I look at pictures of her in nothing but underwear. That makes sense to me. There’s a nice gallery from the pages of Loaded magazine here (wwtdd.com).
Also spotted down the page and notable because it’s a developing story: the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is looking for ‘Girls Gone Wild’ founder Joe Francis in connection with an alleged assault on Jayde Nicole, Playboy’s 2008 Playmate of the Year. From Radar: “According to Nicole, the attack happened after she spilled her drink on Francis. She says Francis became enraged and grabbed her by the hair, punched her, threw her to the ground where he kicked her. One of Jayde’s friends tried to fight him off and Francis allegedly hit that girl also.” (wwtdd.com + radaronline.com)
She started off presenting breakfast tv here in the UK a decade ago, but she didn’t last long as she wasn’t very good at it (although it made my breakfast all the more enjoyable when i was 13) and has been famous ever since.
oh, snap. Billy Zane’s beard, indeed.
She was also Billy Zane’s beard for a while there. :)
The two of them starred in one of those “so awful it’s almost fun to watch” films a few years ago. It was called “Survival Island” or “Three” and it was about a millionaire (Zane) and his wife (Brook) stranded on a deserted island with their former servant. Sexual wackiness ensues.
It’s fairly good for a laugh.
fame by association?