Many readers are familiar with adult star, genderqueer Jiz Lee: they’re one of the Top Ten Sexy Geeks 2010 and won “The Boundary Breaker” award at the 2010 Feminist Porn Awards. Jiz is also a friend and someone I admire greatly. When Jiz was nominated for won *and should have won* “Best New Web Star” at this year’s mainstream porn awards in Vegas (and is one of the first few genderqueers to ever be allowed to walk the red carpet), Jiz decided they wanted to use their new visibility to raise money and awareness to non-profits that help hold up the sex-positive sky.
Jiz Lee started Karma Pervs, where viewers can sign up, spend a few bucks that goes entirely to the non-profit of the month, and get access to a brand new and exclusive month of content. Jiz likes their job, so you’ll get a whole lot more than the advertised 50 photos and blog post. All images in this post are by Aeric Meredith-Goujon from two separate Karma Pervs bonus material updates from March.
This month, it’s Karma Pervs for SFSI (check out that Golden Gate Bridge photo by Tristan Crane, wow). Jiz is raising money for an organization I’ve volunteered at for eight years: San Francisco Sex Information. SFSI has the best sex ed training program in the world and has been helping people get their sex questions answered confidentially for decades. It’s an intense job, and I love it; I also teach there with over a dozen extremely trained and talented sex educators — so yes, I’m biased. But please do consider a signup anyway, and know that the payment processor is the same trusted one that big outfits like Kink use.
We’re doing an outstanding Continuing Education series that we just launched this year, and could use the extra funds. Tomorrow night, open to the public, we’ve got a class by a researcher from the Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology on global HIV infection rates and how these rates have changed over time as well as how infection rates in industrialized nations differ from those in developing nations. We will also learn about current HIV/AIDS research and get a glimpse at what scientists at the Gladstone Institute hope to accomplish in the upcoming year. If you’ve ever wanted to learn about the biology of the HIV virus and how exactly science is working to find a cure for AIDS, this is the class for you.
Jiz generously let me post some Karma Pervs sneak peeks after the jump, to get you feeling even more philanthropic. Warning: explicit content.
I ❤ u, Jiz!

Jiz Lee is just all kinds beautiful.