Femina Potens might just be one of the most happening and significant art spaces in the United States. Seriously. And not just because the central them is sexuality: this space is a movement, an intersection for art and thought, and an evolution in the space between artist and art, subject and object, old models of gallery and immersion of the viewer. I stop in now and then because it’s in the neighborhood, and I try to go to every event I’m invited to. I deeply regret that I failed to RSVP properly for the most recent event, shown here in photos: July’s “Thin Line Between Art and Sex.” In short, the premise is a very extravagant, personally passionate, private party at Kink’s castle exclusively for Femina Potens members that is photographed and illustrated by artists.

I really wish I had gone to it! I found a big gallery of photos here (sign-in required + Safe Search off); I cherry-picked favorites that can be seen after the jump. They feature Madison Young, James Mogul, and many more you may recognize. It’s luscious, decadent, dreamy and other-worldly.

If you ever get a chance to support Femina Potens, please do. Images by outstanding photographer Julia Comita (juliacomita.com) and SF Photo Arts (here’s a great interview with SF Photo Arts).

I took the photos not taken by Julia.