I know you’re going to click on the NMA News (Taiwan) video above and think uh, I don’t remember this in The Sims.
But that’s okay. NMA News takes today’s headlines and locks them up on Second Life’s Shutter Island for a few hours before showing us the real stories. It’s really quite remarkable once you turn the sound down how much more accurate and informative their versions of sex news are compared to say, CNN, who can hardly say the word “dominatrix” without shooting Metamucil out their noses. Put on your favorite music, or porn soundtrack, or Bill O’Reilly anti-human rant, and take in some fine reporting. If only domestic media could be this honest when it comes to sex journalism. I found this via the popular must-see video Antennagate mars Apple’s iPhone 4 where Steve Jobs is Darth Vader and bowel-loosening hilarity ensues.
Above we have the story British motor racing boss dies after session with ‘Europe’s most perverted dominatrix’. (Story; Telegraph UK)
Below is one I watched before I’d read the alleged actual news item, and I was surprised to have gotten it much clearer than Hearst’s remixes. It’s “Porn actors accused of killing Florida tattoo artist.” Of course, I was impressed at the director’s bold choice for pixelated peen and boobabge, while the strap-on was left to boldly stand on its own. Storytelling is not a lost art.
I also found Miss Thing’s Model Mayhem page (she enjoys long walks on the beach, money, and sledgehammers) — and while AP tells us “Logue did bikini and fetish modeling” they omgforgottomention that she also did some work as Sunny Dae with a nice video back catalog that includes classics such as Foot Fetish Femdom Ballbusters while her porn bio sweetly describes her as “bland” and that she “loves to have it in almost anyway at any time, except for anal and married men.” OOPS. That should say “allegedly” now, I think.
At the bottom, we have a five-star dramatic re-telling of Al Gore as an ALLEGED sex crazed poodle through the eyes of Jade Flower Unhappy Ending Island (aka the former cNet Second Life news desk). Enjoy!