I’ve been thinking about what my next bike might be for a while; I keep coming back to Ducati. Beyond my reach right now, but still. So in email conversation, to make matters worse, a friend sends me the website for photographer Elizabeth Raab. Achingly stylish, totally beautiful; there are a few more sexy moto photos in other sections so do check them all. I’m definitely a fan.

Wow. super sexy and beautiful. As if a Ducati wasn’t sexy enough.
@David I totally, TOTALLY agree. Pierre Tereblanche was right on the money with his design. However, when it came out, the public wasn’t ready for such a radical depart from the 998, so sales were crap.
Also, how do I get my hands on digital copies of those photos??? I’d LOVE to have some for my desktop background…
I totally second Dave! She can haz rides! W00t111
You ride? Wow. That’s what I get for saying something dumb like, “Violet Blue can’t get any sexier.” ^_^
And the Ducati 749/ 999 was the sexiest two-wheeled machine to grace the Earth.
Oh dear, not what my partner needed to see. He loveth the Ducati enough already without that photo shoot.