Sadly, The Periodic Table of Swearing by Modern Toss is currently out of stock. It was also extremely expensive. Still, the very British-flavored periodic table of verbal obscenities and graphic insults is really entertaining (click to view large size for detail, link via The Awesomer). I’m definitely going to start using these on Twitter when I’m annoyed by random douchiness.
Beautiful. Yet another thing i wish i’d thought of long long ago. As always Violet you get two marks!
I wish I had this back in school, I can just imagine my teachers reaction!
Fod this? I am guessing it is in relation to F#$% this which I might use in a conversation piece when ‘how many swear words can you come up with’ tomorrow on a date.
I dunno – I think “Fuck” is the Hydrogen of curse words.
As a British writer of erotica, I can attest that they’re all used! Fabulous, Violet!
Cock Garage? lol This is awesome! Love that my favorite word “cunt” is at the number 1 spot :)