* In this week’s Savage Love column, Dan replies to a reader who asks why women don’t consume porn the same way that men do. In “Cockcakes” Dan combines porn for women, quotes from me, the Our Porn, Ourselves movement, and cupcakes. Extra bonus: Dan calls me “Violet Blue, author, blogger, activist, and tireless foe of antiporn boneheads everywhere.” (thestranger.com)
* Now that three and a half thousand people can no longer get Facebook updates about topics on Our Porn, Ourselves I’ll be posting them here. I wrote a fun and (I think) really interesting article for first-time female porn viewers, complete with a list of recommendations of hot porn that is made and curated by women, for women in Want to Watch? What to Expect. (ourpornourselves.org)
* Apple freaks out about the fact their customers are interested in sex, and it’s no longer breaking news. This time, they’re pulling erotic books that end up in the top ten. There is no hope. (networkworld.com)
* Friend MB sends me this item by a young man who went to sex rehab and wrote a very detailed article about his experiences there. The main tool they use to “cure” men? Shame and humiliation. He really could have gone to a dominatrix and gotten a better deal. (deadspin.com)
* Just pointing you toward gratuitous big-boobed blonde eye candy for the sake of it: Egotastic has all the uncensored photos and video of Brit pinup Sophie Reade posing in Nuts Magazine that you’ll ever need. (egotastic.com)
* And a new revenue stream is born for out of work copywriters: Online dating assistants (ghostwriters) will impersonate you for a fee and guarantee you dates from internet dating services. Then you get to fuck up the relationship with bad spelling all on your own. But you’ll still have to decide if you’re being scammed by a fake relationshipper from the other side of the screen. (washingtonpost.com, cnn.com)
* Sexual health: this is a topic I’ve been agonizing about for almost a year trying to figure out how to raise awareness about. The male HPV vaccine is urgently needed and widely misunderstood: maybe this excellent article about throat cancer in boys will wake a few people up. (forbes.com)
* A friend emailed to point me to this Ask Metafilter question, but I still have not joined the MeFi community. Maybe it’s time I did. She wants to know how to gently get involved in the San Francisco BDSM scene. I’d say coffee at Wicked Grounds, events at Femina Potens the Center for Sex and Culture, checking out openly, Kinky Salon‘s community (Mission Control) and their upcoming SanFranSexy Magazine…
Image: Eniko Mihalik by Miguel Reveriego for Numéro #115 (fashiongonerogue.com/)
I’m so glad you posted something on men getting the HPV vaccine. Last spring when I was doing research for my Adolescent class on STDs and morality/peoples perceptions, I stumbled across quite a few different articles about throat cancer. One article in particular interviewed an ear, nose, and throat doctor and the doctor said that back in the 70’s and 80’s his typical patient was 50 or older but today he has very young people in his office with throat cancer that is due to HPV in other words, young people who contract HPV and they receive oral sex can pass the virus on that way. This is why it is so very important for both boys and girls get vaccinated before age 11. I think they should start the vaccines at like 8 or even earlier if at all possible. Not every child is fortunate enough to chose when they become sexually active and this is something to bear in mind when determining “normal” age ranges.
I’ve read one medical study which found the same hpv viruses in penile cancer as in cervical and throat cancer. Since the only treatment for penile cancer is (ouch) penectomy, maybe that will get someone’s attention already for male vaccines?
Q: Do you think someone will write a queer/pro-sex history of Apple? (I heard one story that one of the first magazines designed on a Mac was On Our Backs)
you may find that like all adult women that you will not be given the hpv vaccine if you are already sexually active as it is assumed that you will have already have had exposure to the wide variety of hp viruses and now have some natural immunity.
The throat cancer does appear to be treatable unlike throat cancer from other sources. There is also the increased risk of rectal cancer to be considered too.
Re: Male HPV vaccine. I don’t understand your post at all. As a male, I can’t use the current vaccine? I was thinking of getting it because I don’t want to become a carrier.
I have a friend who had Cervical Cancer from HPV.
I’ve been out of circulation for a little while, but I can offer a couple of suggestions for the Ask Metafilter person might include Society of Janus (SOJ.ORG) or the SM Odyssey organization (smodyssey.com). When I was still learning my way around the Bay Area scene, SOJ was a great place to meet likeminded people for safe and consensual fun… as well as a source of information. They have non-sexual meeting opportunities where people can get together. The SM Odyssey org is a little newer, but they offer some of the same opportunities, especially in the South Bay.