It’s another fetish fashion post of haute couture that doesn’t self-identify as fetish… Bear with me. First of all, after searching for over a year, I found a pair of stilettos I once saw in a reposted photo that was uncredited on a Tumblr and also spotted in a Flickr stream: they are the stilettos to end the world. They are, in fact, hand made by Vincente Ray (site under construction) and photographed by the dreamy Andy Julia. His site is fashion porn and NSFW in places, but the whole sexy shoot with the shoes is in this gallery (image above via). There is something really satisfying to being able to identify a stolen photo, especially one that is so unforgettable.
Harnesses. For your shoes and your… everything else. I discovered Indecorous Taste, and there’s something really kinky about this fashion. The shoe section on their blog is certainly fetishistic (images below via).