* This afternoon, porn companies Wicked Pictures and Vivid suspended production after the AIM quarantine of an HIV-positive male performer. AIM is quarantining and testing all performers known to have worked with the Individual. (latimesblogs.latimes.com, blogs.laweekly.com, google.com/AP) UPDATE 10.16.10: Radar is stating that the identity of the performer is becoming known, and he may be linked to *many* other performers.
* NYC’s popular In The Flesh erotic reading series turns five next Thursday (!) and celebrates with a hell of a lineup — San Francisco’s own Dusty Horn. (You can see me spank Ms. Horn here in this video.) I wish I could be there, so if you’re in NYC and want to take photos… I’ll post any coverage you send me. (inthefleshreadingseries.com, thedustyhorn.blogspot.com, violet.blip.tv)
* More for the “sex sells?” files — check out this table of Japanese erotic games (Eroge) showing which games and game companies were around 8 years ago — and who is left. Survival rate in gaming, not good. (zepy.momotato.com)
* Nice article about Sasha Grey’s various crossovers into mainstream movies and TV, where she talks a lot about working on Entourage, especially where her character differed from her real life. (philly.com)
* This first-person commentary about a project following grisly crimes against sex workers and new sex work laws in Hamilton (Canada) is surprising, in that someone anti-sex-work observes that ultimately it’s about safety, not sex. (thespec.com)
* You saw the “porn tab” on the new Samsung Galaxy, right? Too good to be true? (androidcommunity.com)
Photo by Zeitautomatik.
Looks like Brazzers got in on the suspension bandwagon. And now they’re starting up a safe sex campaign: http://www.xbiznewswire.com/view.php?id=126296
The Hamilton Spectator is a paper I’ve known for years having attended the local university there is times gone by. Bravo for calling the newly struck-down prostitution laws for what they were – not serving the public good essentially.
Safety, regulation, and appropriate oversight are not “anti-” sex positive but instead protect those who service a sometimes dodgy segment of society.
We mandate safety regulations for food.
We regulate alcohol in Canada and the US.
We expect appropriate oversight in regards to our medical and legal professions.
It is the same for the sex-work industry.
Many positives have arisen when we free society from the sillyness of ancient taboos but also seek to control any corresponding unsafe abberations. All benefit thereby.
The same is true of releasing ourselves from the ideas that sex services are not to be bartered openly (just tell that to the one who traded for a diamond ring!). A safely regulated, consensually policed sex industry is a benefit, not a bane to society.
Thanks ,Violet, I wish you could be at In The Flesh too. We will be taping the readings and I’ll send you a link as soon as Dusty’s is up! I can’t wait.
Goes to show the value of AIM in the adult industry.
They are however under some financial stresses I think… but I guess that is normal for many these last couple years.
I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and must tell you that I really enjoy your points of view and have especially enjoyed some of the music vids you’ve posted in the past, especially the Armand Van Helden-Hear My Name video. Anyhow, I felt a need to share this with you, thought you’d enjoy it. Thanks.