I just posted this gallery of Seal It With A Kiss in Russian on Daily Violet but I’m so excited about my first hardcover and first Russian translation that I can’t resist sharing it here, too. This is a really big thrill for me! Also, I noticed that Amazon has the first chapter for free, and I embedded the chapter widget below (click to change font size, make the pages fullscreen, etc.) I hunted and found it for sale on this Russian book website: it’s called Поцелуй. Руководство по эксплуатации by Виолет Блю (that’s me!) Translated reader review: “It was from her I learned that my friend kisses as “fish barrel”! And then he began to correct the situation – on the advice of Violette began with “moth flutter”, and gradually learned and worked all the other options until the “French.”
The original book is Seal It With A Kiss (Amazon). Here is the first chapter: