Pole Position: The Subjective Guide to San Francisco Strip Clubs by Aaron Britt is well worth a read – especially because I think Britt pulls off being a gently leering “lad” without being douchey – and injecting the piece with a bit of praise for sex-positive feminism. Nice! I’m quite stoked with 7×7 Magazine’s sex coverage these days and I’m looking forward to more, and hopefully more like this (they’re a local San Francisco magazine). While there are some stereotypes in this piece and I wished he had visited the Hungry i (I know, it’s easy for me to critique because I’m a local), this kind of coverage about big city exotic dance clubs would be great to see for other cities. Like, I’m going to Austin next month and I wish I had a review like this to read before I go… The article also has great photos by Aubrie Pick – like the Hustler dancer above, with her copy of Eat, Pray, Love. Snip:
I’ll level with you: I’m not much of a strip club guy. I went to one for my bachelor party, but I’m hardly a regular. That said, I dig the idea of tawdry San Francisco, blinking lights, hired flesh, and slick-talking doormen. Luckily, there’s no shortage of grit on any after-dark walk down Broadway. The strip just east of Columbus is also the last vestige of our Barbary Coast past.
So I ventured forth to write this story with just one piece of intel, a fact that continues to surprise nudie-bar neophytes: San Francisco law prevents any club that serves alcohol from being fully nude. That’s right, gang. It’s heinies or Heinekens. You must choose your poison. (…read more, 7×7.com)
Clearly it’s time for you to do your own reviews, in SF and wherever travels take you.