I managed to miss this 2011 calendar when it came out in December, but no matter – it’s now my favorite themed topless-babe calendar ever. Found at Copyranter is the Holder bracket company’s 2011 calendar, that was created as a New Year’s gift to selected clients and partners, playfully depicting each step of the bracket manufacturing process month-by-month. Design meetings, forklift loading, welding, topless brake press operation… to superfast holiday delivery by motorcycle, of course!
The entire hi-res set is here, and I love it. Some of you know I spent a significant amount of time in a machine shop, and while I look at the welding image and think “look out, nipple!” (and that I also ride a motorcycle, and I used to drive a forklift) I’m also absolutely loving every bit of this sexy fabrication sendup.
Too bad about the botched boob jobs.
Heels? Did they have a sale on LEGS?!
“…while I look at the welding image and think ‘look out, nipple!’…”
Also: high heels on a shop floor. Not a good idea.
Of course, I’m not a fan of heels under most any circumstances, but I’m pretty sure I’m in a minority on that one.
Thanks for the pointer. Very nice.