Tuesday Nibbles: CNET Called Out, Orgasm Inc. Film Premiere, The Week in Holy Crimes, Sexual Assault and Slut Walks

  • The most stalkable people on the planet have been labeled as diseased and had their names and home addresses published online (“Porn Wikileaks“) and CNET reported the situation with a snarky reprimand about being sex workers. It didn’t go unnoticed, and they got called on it in this now-timeless post: Dear Sex Worker Hater (Miss Maggie Mayhem’s Blog)
  • As you may have read otherwhere, a Toronto police officer told a college class the best way women could avoid rape was not to “dress slutty” – and SlutWalk Toronto was hatched. Meanwhile the Tornoto police have disavowed the statement, though I’m sure they didn’t expect over 2K people to demonstrate (video link) in “the walk” and a call to action for sister walks that are now springing up across the US and Canada. (slutwalktoronto.com, great photos here)
  • Joe hits it out of the park with this post – and the list of sex crimes enacted by ‘men of god’ by state in the US over the course of a week is absolutely staggering: This Week In Holy Crimes (joemygod.blogspot.com)

Image via Starr Simplicity Design Studio.

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  1. I’m sorry, but I think the whole SlutWalk thing completely misses the point. Yes, women should be able to dress any way they like, but the truth of the matter still stands: if you choose to dress like a slut, you are taking on a higher risk of being raped. That is just true. Why are people outraged at a policeman for telling it straight? He didn’t say “You deserve to be raped because you’re dressed like a slut.”

    Likewise, rapists are not going to see that march and go “Oh! It’s their right to dress like that. Aww.. well I better not rape them then.”

    And before you peg me as one of those conservative, uptight good girls, I fully admit that I sometimes dress like a slut. And when I do, I am aware that the risk is higher. But sometimes you take risks because the pay off makes life more interesting.

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