- I wish this item was me telling you I’m getting a sex ed/infotainment show for Oprah (I WISH) – though I have agreed to Dr. Berman featuring two of my books on her upcoming sex advice show: How sexy is OWN? Oprah’s network rolls out sex therapy, infidelity, celebrity and ‘make-better’ shows (Los Angeles Times)
- The horrible beating of a trans woman for using a rest room can’t be undone, though at least one of her attackers is being charged properly: McDonald’s Transgender Attacker Charged With Hate Crime – Finally (The New Civil Rights Movement)
- I don’t know what’s more repulsive: that Houston Press made a “hottest sex offenders” list or that Huffington Post copied it for pageviews: Houston Press apologizes for ‘hottest sex offenders’ list (Poynter)
- Hey – I could use a drunken one night stand! Even if it’s cheesy! Winnemere: If cheese were a drunken, one night stand… (Farmstead, Inc., thanks Jason!)
- Niiice: Lady Gaga wore Lucite dildo-heeled shoes on American Idol, and they censored them! I’d love to try and walk on these: You Got Me This Time, Caca! (Dlisted)
- This comment about the sex and orgasm chapter in Tim Ferriss‘ new book might make you buy it – and I’m the “expert” in the chapter! The 4-Hour Body – Sample Chapter and Full ToC (fourhourworkweek.com)
- I worry about having my data in the clouds, and I don’t have a great track record with keeping boyfriends this week, so the idea of a cloud based SO fills me with stress. Though I really want to know whose photos they’re using. Maybe I should do a column and ask them: Dating too Expensive? Get a ‘Cloud Girlfriend’ (PCMag.com)
- This is interesting to people like me that are into sexbots: I stumbled across a writer fishing in sex robot community forums for material for his next book: Fembot Central: Questions from journalist working on book proposal: Jesse Singal (fembotcentral.com)
- Our friend Maggie Mayhem expressed this perfectly, in a not-surprising porn-eats-your-babies propaganda piece by CNN’s sex-negative puppet (and his ‘expert’ Gail Dines), Dr. Drew:
Photo: Fashiontography – Jessica Alba by Michelangelo di Battista
Yes, it was very bad decision of Houston Press to publish such an awful article. BTW Jessica Alba looks gorgeous in this photo.
I will never forget the episode of Loveline wherein a high schooler called in to ask if his girlfriend could give him genital herpes if she had cold sores and gave him unprotected head and Dr. Drew answered, “You’re too young to be having oral sex” and hung up. Appalling.
Oh, and being an armchair conspiracy theorist, I concur with your issues about keeping stuff in the cloud. I’m really surprised that the recent PSN debacle hasn’t created more of a backlash against cloud-based stuff; it’s dismaying how little folk care for their own information, when something ostensibly free is dangled in front of them.
The hottest sex offenders piece is the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen since I discovered there were locate-a-registered-offender sites and iPhone apps. I think you share the same tabloid-fuelled national obsession with paedophies as we do… although thankfully it seems to have been toned down from a few years ago (paediatricians getting harassed being the obvious example of mob mentality at work).
Kudos to Ms Daniels for, er, holding her own on CNN; Gail Dines’ expression at 04:14 is utterly priceless and worth the admission alone. I find her assumptions as to what I might watch on my own, vaguely offensive…