Total Flirt App Now Available In Apple iTunes Store!

Total Flirt icon, Apple iTunes

It’s here!!! Apple-approved and ready to Get Total Flirt app for iPhone now in the Apple iTunes store for $0.99.

The kitteh jumped out of the bag when media mistress Rachel Kramer Bussel got to it before I even had a chance to announce it – and she gave it an outstanding review:

I highly, highly recommend Violet Blue’s new Total Flirt app. (…) Yes, I know Violet, am friends with her and have worked with her, but I would have bought this anyway (and did buy it, fyi). I think if you are at all socially challenged, it gives you a way to start a conversation and assess how one is going. My official review (dear App Store – please approve it – I keep hitting “submit” and it is “loading” forever, and I’ve never reviewed an app before so, um…yeah, please approve it or tell me how to fix it!) is below. Click here for The Total Flirt website.

My review of The Total Flirt app:

This is a very practical app that gives quick, concrete information you can eyeball on an actual night out to gain both confidence and real-world advice on everything from approaching someone in a group setting to flirting without words to closing the deal. It’s nor a rehash of the book (which I also recommend) but instead leads you through actual icebreakers with lines to get the conversation started and ways to gauge what the other person is really thinking. (…read more,

YAY! Thank you, Rachel!!!

If you’re on Android, we’re excited to announce that we will be releasing Total Flirt Android: our hopeful ETA is within the next week! This is my first app, and I’m thrilled to see it come to life. Special thanks go to developer Kosso and my lovely and brilliant PA Juliette Stray for making it happen, and not giving up when we had daunting technical issues.

Watch my short video trailer to find out what the Total Flirt app is all about:

The Total Flirt app is based on my book Total Flirt. It’s formulated from years of research, studies on flirting and British “pulling,” and real-life infiltration of male and female pick-up artist societies. The app is an in-the-moment decision maker that distills all the tried and tested methods researchers and pick-up artists use to flirt with success.

More information about the app is after the jump!


Use Total Flirt to choose your own adventure, and flirt – with success. With Total Flirt as your pocket wingmate, instantly dial up tricks and tips for every situation you’ll encounter when out on the prowl.

Total Flirt Start PageSecrets of so-called pick-up artists are shared in the app that tells you exactly what to do and when to do it. Start with an environment test to rate your chances of success before you make a move. Total Flirt tells you the best way to position yourself, how to proceed when your flirt-target is alone or in a group, and instructions for on-the-spot seduction with or without words. Instantly call up exact phrases and openers to make a connection with anyone you set your sights on.

This app guides you through the whole encounter: consult Total Flirt for instructions on when and how to size them up – find out if they’re worth it. Fall back on an all-purpose problem solver for everything from whether they’re into you, dealing with competition, or what to do if you think you’re being played. Total Flirt seamlessly gets you to the conclusion you desire, whether you want to see them tonight, or tomorrow – or if you need to choose an exit strategy.

Get Total Flirt in the Apple iTunes store now.

App credits:

Words and concept by @VioletBlue
Application built by @Kosso

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  1. @Wannabegeekster – the Android version is on its way! I might not have made it clear enough in this post. We have the Android version done, we’re waiting on the resolution of a technical issue that isn’t on our side. And hopefully that fact that the Android Total Flirt app will be free is going to make up for any – temporary – ‘open source’ grumbles!

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