Now Open: Top Ten Sexy Geek Nominations 2012

sexy geek nominations

Nominations are now open for The Top Ten Sexy Geeks of 2012. The deadline is Friday December 23rd. I will post 2012’s Top Ten Sexy Geeks list on Christmas Eve – Saturday, December 24, 2011.

Take a minute to pay your respects to 2011’s reigning Top Ten Sexy Geeks. Every year since 2005, I’ve asked you who *you* think are the top ten sexiest geeks – and it’s that time again!

Tell me who you think the top ten sexiest geeks should be for 2012. Now’s the time to let me know: violet at tinynibbles dot com — you can also Tweet your nominations @violetblue, or leave suggestions in the comments below (I approve anons). I do all the research for this list, but any links you send along to back up your suggestions will help.

Seen a hottie execute some heart-pounding code-fu? Have you been admiring a builder, scaler, or app writin’ babe you feel is unsung for their mad skillz and nerdy sex appeal? Heard of a sexpot who speaks all the romance languages (you know the ones, Ruby, etc.), or is lurking like an evil mastermind behind a badass startup or tech blog? I do personally handpick the list, but I base it on *your* nominations every year.

There have been all kinds of tech nerds/geeks on the list every year. We’ve had gamers, startup founders, NASA engineers, cyberlawyers, hardware hackers, tech writers, developers – think outside the Tweet to uncover the fierce and delicious people who support, fuel, agitate, innovate and participate in Internet culture.

Lube up your browser and nominate anyone who is:

  • Smart, nerdy and HOT.
  • Has done something really amazing this year in tech, and you just totally realized is also irresistibly sexy.
  • Someone yummy who has hardcore geek cred that no one seems to notice.
  • The total Unsung Hottie in your dev group.
  • Tech bloggers or nerds you just want to point at and go, HURRR OMG hw4t!
  • I keep the list gender balanced, so all genders and LGBTQ noms are *especially* encouraged.

And, as always – single or not – it’s all in fun. There have been hot couples on the list more than once.

FYI – a hundred thousand followers does not make someone a sexy geek – or simply being a celebrity-investor that claims they’re a techhie. This list is about hotness with credibility. Before you send me a suggestion, look below to see what doesn’t get someone on this notorious list – please, don’t waste our time with:

  • Celebrities, especially Hollywood types and empty iTwitterati.
  • “Hot” chicks who do tech PR – and that is all they do. Write code? Yes! Write press releases? Nope.
  • Babes who pose in bikinis with video game themed accessories; porn stars that *sometimes* play video games (sorry Girls of Nerdcore — though I do love my geek-flavored cheesecake).
  • Models, musicians or actors who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.
  • Pinups, sex workers, “studs” or porn performers with “geek” and “nerd” plastered all over their paysites with nothing to back it up.
  • People who are cute, but no one seems to know why they have geek cred.
  • Anyone under 18.

Also disqualified: anyone who’s already been on this list in a previous year.

So… Who should be on the list?

Image via Fuck Yeah Geek Girls.

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  1. -Maggie and Ned Mayhem, for their PSIgasm work and their constant mashing of techy skillz, physics, and porn.
    -I don’t know if you only include tech geeks, but Penny Barber is a giant geek for DnD, cosplay, and scifi. She runs her own game, in fact.
    -has Slim ever been on this list? @sfslim is a total geek for tech while also being pretty cute.
    -can one nominate oneself? I’m a big geek too! I’m majorly into biochemistry, the anthropology of gender, computer hacks for lifestyle changes, tracking social media to research sociology, and internet accessibility issues. I presented about sex work, disability and social media at Arse Elektronika.

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