- MiKandi recently sponsored a professional porn video shoot with Google Glass, starring porn stars James Deen and Andy San Dimas, who wore Google Glass while having sex. The technique was a clever end-run around Google’s ban on porn apps.
MiKandi Releases First Ever Google Glass Porn (MiKandi)
- Yesterday UK MP Claire Perry’s website was hacked. The current advisor to the British Prime Minister on UK Internet filtering laws accused a blogger who reported it of the deed, in threats revealing she doesn’t know how links or websites work.
MP behind UK internet porn filter hacked, accuses blogger who reported it (ZDNet)
Do Not Force ISP Filtering of Pornography and Other Content (e-petitions)
- Sex addiction may not be a real disorder, according to a new UCLA study. For the first time, UCLA researchers have measured how the brain behaves in so-called hypersexual people who have problems regulating their viewing of sexual images. Researchers measured brain waves in self-reported sex addicts. The scans revealed that their brain’s responses when viewing sexual pictures were not indicative of an addiction.
Brain scans suggest sex addiction may not be real disorder (CBS News)
Is sexual addiction the real deal? (UCLA Newsroom)
- Nineteen years ago this Hebrew Home broke with industry practice and encouraged sex and intimacy among its elderly residents, including those with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. In 1995, the home adopted a four-page policy — considered the first of its kind — stating that residents “have the right to seek out and engage in sexual expression.”
Sex in Geriatrics Sets Hebrew Home Apart in Elderly Care (Bloomberg)
- Oxytocin, the feel-good bonding hormone released by physical contact with another person, orgasm and childbirth (potentially encouraging monogamy), might have a darker side. The love drug also plays an important role in intensifying negative emotional memories and increasing feelings of fear in future stressful situations, according to a new study.
The Dark Side Of The Love Hormone Oxytocin (Popular Science)
- Dear friend and colleague Dr. Cory Silverberg writes, “In the past few months a couple of particularly unethical projects tied to sexuality have tried to get off the ground via crowd funding.
So instead of linking to the badness, I thought I’d highlight a project that, whether it’s successful or not, is definitely part of the solution and not part of the problem. The project [is] Sex Ed: The Saga.” Crowd Funding Sex Education (About: Sexuality)
- All internet pornography should be preemptively blocked in Canada, says Conservative MP Joy Smith of Winnipeg, which would force those who want to access adult content to “opt in” with their internet service provider.
Internet porn ‘opt in’ is censorship, say Canadians (CBC)
- For nearly 20 years we’ve had almost unlimited access to sexual speech on the Internet – and an incredible blossoming of communities related to sex and sexuality. Now, in a perverse echo of the anti-obscenity fight that followed the last sexual revolution, safe spaces for discussing sex are in real danger of disappearing.
Is the (Online) Sexual Revolution Over? (HuffPo)
- A Georgetown law professor who has been nominated by President Barack Obama to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, is facing a campaign to tank her nomination from a group that boosts abstinence-only sex education for young people.
Unlikely snag for D.C. Circuit Court nominee: Abstinence sex ed (Yahoo! News)
Image: Political breastvertising by Hope Lingerie, via Adrants.
- People like to read erotic literature on an e-readers because they’re discreet. But retailers can make the smut very difficult to find.
Porn on the Kindle: A Catch-22 (The Atlantic)
- Zerlina Maxwell debated guns and rape on Fox News – then she wrote this article. “We need a cultural shift NOW. In hopes of getting a conversation started, here are five practical ways by which we can teach men not to rape…”
5 Ways We Can Teach Men Not to Rape (Ebony, via Dr. Charlie Glickman)
- A Prince George’s County woman faced a chilling nightmare when her ex-husband, who already had physically assaulted and stalked her, began posting photos of her and her children online, soliciting sex on their behalf.
Man who stalked ex-wife on Web, advertised sex with her gets 85 years (Washington Post, via Without My Consent’s Twitter)
- Diverse sexual interests – fetishes – may thus be evolution’s way of helping humans to maximize the sheer amount of sex that goes on, matching desire for complementary desire and making sure we mix our genes up as much as possible. “We are preprogrammed to need diversity,” says Gregory Lehne, a psychologist at Johns Hopkins who studies human sexuality and gender identity.
Fetish Theory, Post-Freud (New York Magazine)
- Banning rape porn will not make it go away, but send it underground where we are less able to observe the safety of performers.
Don’t ban ‘rape porn’ – introduce more porn with negotiation and boundary-setting (Independent UK)
If you still thought oxytocin is all about cuddles and loveliness you should read Ed Yong’s various articles since 2010.
And a paper he linked recently that warns of unreliable results in human studies.