- Of course, it hasn’t taken long for the sexually curious to tinker with 3D printing and create models for the bedroom. Right now, it’s possible to print life-size replicas of your own genitals as well as someone else’s. Check out this thorough and funky infographic on the emergent 3D sex toy industry.
Infographic: The State of 3D Sex Toy Printing (Future Of Sex)
- BBC covered the Feminist Porn Awards and did a great job – a nice departure from their (surprising) history of anti-porn bias. “Among other things, feminist pornographers say they give the performers significant input in the kind of sex they have on screen and encourage them genuinely to enjoy themselves.”
In Toronto with the world’s feminist pornographers (BBC)
- Where did the American Bro come from, an alien, fist-pumping avatar of modern sexism, racism, and nihilism? Why does he loom over every male friendship, every moment “with the boys”? Ironically, the history of homosexuality in America may hold the secret to the modern hyper-masculine bro.
The Tortured Rise of the All-American Bro (Pacific Standard Magazine)

- Asa Akira has written a memoir. The book, Insatiable: Porn — A Love Story, is hypersexual narrative of the author’s experiences making adult films. Its tone is celebratory, because Akira sees her career not as a descent into objectification but as a rise to celebrity.
‘Insatiable’: One Woman’s Love Affair With The Porn Industry (NPR)
- Last month two Nature studies on the Y chromosome were in the news, trumpeted as revealing “differences in men’s and women’s bodies, differences found as deep down as the cellular level.” But the news stories were reporting speculations, as the findings were actually the exact opposite of what was reported. So reports of newly found sex differences in the genome need to be viewed with healthy skepticism and an awareness of how gender beliefs can distort our interpretation of scientific results.
Y All the Hype? (Slate)
Call For Papers for Sex Ed journal: The Media's Evolving Role In Sex Education. Deadline: Oct 24. Please share!
— Tristan Taormino (@TristanTaormino) May 10, 2014
- Jon Hamm’s Vanity Fair profile is being linkbait-touted as a reminder of the fact that Jon Hamm really did not like working in porn. “I was actually at that time working as a set dresser for Cinemax soft-core-porn movies,” he says (referring to his 1996 appearance on “The Big Date”), calling the experience “soul-crushing.”
Just Another Reminder That Jon Hamm Really Hated Working In Porn (Huffington Post)
- With a new reality show in the works, is the Duke freshman-turned-porn star Belle Knox drawing attention to the plight of downtrodden sex workers or just building her own brand? The answer is: both.
Duke Porn Star Belle Knox Is Building Her Brand One Strip Club at a Time (Daily Beast)
- After BoingBoing ran their all-hands-on-deck, sickening, unexplained and ultimately pointless character attack post about me in 2008 (after trying to erase me from their archives), it doesn’t surprise me one bit that BoingBoing would again provide a platform for a vile and misinformed post – this time, castigating young queer trans people.
Open Letter: 350+ Trans Women and Transfeminine People Stand Against Calpernia Addams and Andrea James (Zinnia Jones, Free Thoughts Blogs)
- I really, really want to see this film! Santini and Sickles decided to make what would have become “Mala Mala” – a raw and honest film about the trans community in Puerto Rico.
Do gender and sexuality really matter anymore? (Thompson Reuters Foundation)
- Battling prostitution has been a major focus for Los Angeles City Councilwoman Nury Martinez. Now Martinez is zeroing in on the strip clubs, massage parlors and liquor stores that line Sepulveda Boulevard, aiming to prevent new “adult entertainment” businesses from opening along a nearly four-mile stretch of the street.
L.A. councilwoman targets sex trade in her Valley district (LA Times)
- An employee at the Environmental Protection Agency allegedly downloaded over 7,000 files of pornography on a government computer and watched them two to six hours per day, the agency’s investigative unit revealed. The improper conduct emerged as a result of a broader investigation into the agency following the 2013 conviction of senior EPA official John Beale, who falsely claimed to have been working for the CIA and defrauded the agency out of almost $900,000 in pay and benefits.
EPA Employee Downloaded 7,000 Files Of Porn At Work And Watched Them 2-6 Hours A Day (Huffington Post)
- “Is the Oculus Rift sexist?” That was the provocative question posed in a March 28 Quartz article outlining an investigation that computer graphics programmer danah boyd undertook during the late ’90s to investigate why 3D immersion environments made her female colleagues physically sick while male peers were unaffected.
Notes From A Queer Engineer: Can Inanimate Objects Be Sexist? (Autostraddle)
25 minutes wasted on @imgur tonight. Then I found this. Suddenly it became a #productivenight #smurfs #gay #porn pic.twitter.com/SX9xnx54bB
— Megan Andelloux (@HiOhMegan) May 8, 2014
- Broadcasting even more loudly that some performers don’t understand how piracy works… Adult performers have launched a campaign to encourage fans to pay for the porn they watch. Porn.com’s David Kay, who says he is “100% behind the campaign”, argues that his site’s pay-per-view scheme “keeps a lot of content owners in business,” by offering a cut of the ad revenue to studios which upload their own videos and clips to the site’s system. Just as the movie and music industries were forced to adapt in the face of piracy, becoming more user-friendly to win back customers who were used to getting what they wanted for free, Kay says the porn industry needs to change as well. “The industry needs to adopt “Netflix” pricing.”
Adult stars launch #PayForYourPorn campaign against porn piracy (Guardian UK)
- Weak, this is so weak. In a statement posted on its official American site, Nintendo issued an apology regarding the upcoming Western debut of its quirky life-sim series Tomodachi Life. Nintendo will never allow the game to have same-sex partnerships.
Nintendo apologizes for lack of same-sex options in upcoming sim game (Ars Technica)
- FYI: June is Adult Sex Ed Month (adultsexedmonth.com)
- “Nineteen Minutes” is a novel that 14-year-old New Hampshire English students have been assigned to read at a high school since 2007 with zero complaints — until now. The novel is based on a school shooting and deals with a variety of issues ranging from bullying to sexual violence. In previous years, parents have received some sort of notification about the nature of the novel.
NH School Defends Sexually Explicit Novel, Parent Arrested (Barbwire)
- Feminist pornographer Madison Young may identify as the diminutive half of a Daddy/little relationship, but it doesn’t dwarf her insights in her new book, “Daddy: A Memoir,” which manages, with patience and perseverance, to apotheosize a hero — riddled with flaws and all, for the sake of love, lust and plain old romantic idealism.
Q&A: Madison Young Discusses ‘Daddy: A Memoir’ (XBIZ)
- A new survey has found that one in five U.K.-dwellers would be willing to have sex with robots, marking something of a leap in the realm of digitized romance. (Warning: article cites the Japanese “no sex” news hoax.)
Poll Finds 1 in 5 People Would Have Sex With a Robot (Daily Beast)
The Tom of Finland smurfs are by Alessio Slonimski of Alessio in Wonderland. He has also just done a portrait of Conchita Wurst.
A picture can be half-way round the world before the artist credit gets its boots on.