Sex News: What sex workers think of Hustlers, Kickstarter approves a sex toy campaign, sex therapy on a cam site, what brain scans tell us about porn

  • If you read anything about sex work while the world burns, make it this. I would love to hand this to Elizabeth Warren and ask what her plan is to fix this. Mild warning for survivors of sexual assault. “One member of the California State Assembly listened to everything I had to say and then replied, “You seem smart, but they aren’t all like you.” Let me be clear: Every sex worker I have ever met is as smart as I am; many are smarter. I have learned more, collectively, from my coworkers than from any of the formal education I’ve bought with my hard-earned sex-work dollars.”
    * Cash/Consent (N+1)
  • “It’s a relent­less flesh-show, except for one incon­gru­ous win­dow. There, a man lounges casu­al­ly in a blue open-neck shirt in front of a sun­ny back­drop. Click on him and you enter a chat with Dr David Ley, a psy­cho­sex­u­al ther­a­pist hired by Stripchat to offer free group ther­a­py ses­sions for site users.”
    * Sex­cam therapy (The Face)

This post is paid for by patrons.

  • “What Noori’s team found was that image type — whether it was a picture or a video — was the strongest predictor of differences in which parts of the brain became engaged. Unexpectedly, the weakest predictor was the subjects’ biological sex. In other words, when men and women viewed pornographic imagery, the way their brains responded, in the aggregate, was largely the same.”
    * What Can Brain Scans Tell Us About Sex? (NYT)
  • Even in this writeup, Guardian seems like it can barely contain its hatred of porn. But it’s going to be a great show, and deserves attention. ““There’s an incredible history of queer and trans sex workers, who were at the forefront of the gay rights movement, also having a tremendous impact on art,” Heller said. “I wanted to explore the empowered history of the community, I wanted their stories to be told in an authentic way.””
    * Sexual revolution: the underseen art and activism of queer sex work (Guardian)
  • Fairporn is “creating a certification authority to help ensure the rights and safety of everyone in the porn industry and helping people make better choices about the porn they watch.” Their new standards have just been published.
    * Fairporn Standards v0.1 (

Another way to support this blog is by checking out Nubile Films.

  • I love this film so much! Terrific review. “It’s that rare film which makes you believe the actors were throughly in love with the material. There are f-stop jokes, for fuck’s sake. And there is a joyous sexual fluidity that emerges from the authentic emotional tinderbox in a way that manages to punish no one and reward everyone.”
    * Erotica for Filmmakers: a Porn Club review of SCORE (Pink Label TV)
  • “…the Women of Sex Tech panel featured a collection of female founders and heads of companies from some of the most innovative brands in the sextech game, moderated by Erica Braverman.”
    * Women of Sex Tech Panel Kicks Off Sex Expo NY (XBIZ)

Main post image: Image: Angelo Madsen Minax, Live Nude Genitals, 2012, Neon, Plexiglas, featured in ON OUR BACKS: The Revolutionary Art of Queer Sex Work.

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